
Marco Miglioli

La luce è un elemento fondamentale dello spazio architettonico, un pilastro dello spazio costruito.

Le mie scelte professionali affondano le loro radici nella mia passione per il teatro, per la scenografia e per l’arte. Mi sono quindi formato sia attraverso un uso artistico e scenografico che attraverso un uso tecnico della luce e fin dai primi lavori ho cercato d’integrare queste due anime. 

È proprio alla relazione che intercorre tra luce e architettura che ho indirizzato i miei interessi fin dagli anni in cui ho frequentato l’Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio in Svizzera, dove mi sono laureato con l’architetto Peter Zumthor. Ho poi sviluppato le mie competenze lavorando in Spagna con la compagnia teatrale “La Fura dels Baus” e a Milano con Marco Filibeck, allora “datore luci” del Teatro alla Scala. Per undici anni ho collaborato con lo studio “Ferrara Palladino Lightscape”.

In sintesi, il mio lavoro consiste nell’illuminare un’architettura o un’opera cercando d’interpretarle, di raccontare una storia, di suggerire emozioni, quindi di scegliere che cosa porre in luce e che cosa in ombra, non solo in grandi opere ma anche in ambienti domestici.

Ordine degli Architetti della provincia di Milano. (ITA)
Albo Architetti sez. A

Associazione Professionisti dell’Illuminazione. (ITA)
Socio Ordinario

The Association for Lighting Production and Design. (UK)
Professional Member

Associazione Italiana d’Illuminazione. (ITA)
Socio Individuale

Illuminating Engineering Society.
Full Member

DarkSky International.
Member and Advocate


LIT Lighting Design Awards 2024 | Primo Premio

Illuminazione della “Croce di Raffaello” (vai al premio)

FX International Interior Design Awards 2024 | Finalista

Illuminazione della “Croce di Raffaello” (vai al premio)

LIT Awards 2022 | Primo Premio

Illuminazione della mostra “Fili d’oro e dipinti di seta” (vai al premio)

LIT Awards 2019 | Menzione d’onore

Illuminazione della mostra “Romanticismo” (vai al premio)

Darc Awards 2019 | Progetto selezionato

Illuminazione della mostra “Romanticismo” (vai al premio)

Rosco Gobo Design Contest 2018 | Finalista

Finalista per il disegno di un nuovo gobo (vai al contest)

Conferenze e lezioni

IES 24. The Lighting Conference

New York, U.S.A.

Titolo dell’intervento: “Transforming Museum spaces into a sensory experience. How changes in perception will lead to a new lighting design.”
15 – 17 agosto 2024

AIDI, XXI Congresso Nazionale

Bologna, Italia

Titolo dell’intervento: “Trasformare gli spazi mussali in un’esperienza sensoriale”
24 – 25 aprile 2024

Domus Academy

Milano, Italia

Relatore al modulo sulla luce nel corso breve “Retail Vision – Design”
Titolo dell’intervento: “colours, lighting and interior design strategies for retails”
26 – 29 aprile 2023


Fontainebleau, Francia. Da remoto

Titolo dell’intervento “Bringing Theatricality to Architectural Lighting”
5 maggio 2021

Share Architects

Praga, Repubblica Ceca

Titolo dell’intervento “Light matters – Without lighting, would the architecture still have the same impact?”
3 ottobre 2019

Hangzhou Zhejiang University of Technology

Hangzhou, Cina

Titolo dell’intervento “The fourth dimension of the space. From Stage to Architectural Light”
20 – 24 dicembre 2012

Expo Valposchiavo

Poschiavo, Svizzera

Titolo dell’intervento “Luce e Legno. Tra funzionalità e atmosfera”
3 novembre 2012

Licenze e certificazioni

GrandMA2 user (DMX)
MA International GmbH

Konnex Partner
Konnex Association

Licenza per lavori in quota. D.Lgs 81/08

Per saperne di più


  • ✨ @poldipezzoli Museum 
“Visconti Venosta” Room – “Raphael Cross” Room. 
Detail of the room featuring the panel "Madonna with Child and Saint John the Baptist" by Pinturicchio, with Christ the Redeemer and the panel "Madonna with Child and Saints" by Zanobi Strozzi in the background.

💡 Museum lighting requires precise calibration of light intensities throughout the rooms. The lighting of the Raphael Cross led to a re-arrangement and fine-tuning of the entire exhibition hall and the works of art.

🌟 Shortlisted for the FX Awards 2024 in the Lighting category 🌟 @fxdesignmag 

Lighting design: @miglioli.m (Marco Miglioli ArchiLight Studio). 
Set design: @rolla.luca e @alberto.bertini.76. 
Photo: Andrea Ceriani. 
Display case: @bagatti_bronzisti. 
Curatorship: Annalisa Zanni, @federica.manoli and Andrea di Lorenzo. 

#marcomiglioli #archilightstudio #RaphaelSanzio #museopoldipezzoli #museumlighting #fxawards #artlighting #lightingdesign #artandlighting #museumdesign
  • ✨Processional Cross with Franciscan Saints. Raphael. Tempera on panel (detail). 
c. 1500-1502
@poldipezzoli Museum, Milan

Through the new lighting we designed, the artwork appears brighter and more luminous, resembling a piece of fine goldsmithing. The punched decorations, gilded reliefs, and Raphael's colors now stand out in their full three-dimensionality.

🔎 On the back of the cross, four busts of Franciscan saints are painted within roundels, suggesting that the original destination of the processional cross was a convent of this order.

🌟 Shortlisted for the FX Awards 2024 in the Lighting category 🌟 @fxdesignmag 

Lighting design: @miglioli.m (Marco Miglioli ArchiLight Studio). 
Set design: @rolla.luca e @alberto.bertini.76. 
Photo: Andrea Ceriani. 
Display case: @bagatti_bronzisti.
Curatorship: Annalisa Zanni, @federica.manoli and Andrea di Lorenzo. 

#marcomiglioli #archilightstudio #RaphaelSanzio #museopoldipezzoli #museumlighting #fxawards #artlighting #lightingdesign #artandlighting #museumdesign
  • ✨@poldipezzoli Museum, Milan. 
“Visconti Venosta” Room - “The Raphael Cross” Room, featuring in the foreground the "Processional Cross with Franciscan Saints" by Raphael Sanzio.

The Cross, an artwork between painting and sculpture, was placed within an architecture which, through a succession of spaces, gives a sense of depth, recalling the sequences of rooms in noble Renaissance palaces. The paintings, displayed in these rooms, not only underline the depth but are enhanced by a common golden background.

🌟 Shortlisted for the FX Awards 2024 @fxdesignmag in the Lighting category 🌟

Lighting design: @miglioli.m (Marco Miglioli ArchiLight Studio).
Set design: @rolla.luca e @alberto.bertini.76 
Photo: Andrea Ceriani. 
Display case: @bagatti_bronzisti
Curatorship: Annalisa Zanni, @federica.manoli and Andrea di Lorenzo. 

#marcomiglioli #archilightstudio #RaphaelSanzio #museopoldipezzoli #museumlighting #fxawards #artlighting #lightingdesign #artandlighting #museumdesign
  • ✨Roundels of the Virgin Mary and Saint Peter. Raphael. 
c. 1500-02. Pen and brown ink over stylus underdrawing. Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin

🖋️ This autograph drawing featuring the half-length figures of the Virgin and Saint Peter highlights how Raphael often created processional crosses during his adolescence. Moreover, the Berlin sheet could be a preparatory sketch for the processional cross housed at the Poldi Pezzoli Museum.
🎨 Through the style and quality of the brushstrokes, the attribution to Raphael Sanzio has been proposed.

#marcomiglioli #archilightstudio #Raphael #RoundelsoftheVirginMary #art #Kupferstichkabinett #artisticprocess #drawing #museumart #museopoldipezzoli
  • ✨ Processional Cross with Franciscan Saints. Raphael. Tempera on panel (detail). 
c. 1500-1502
Poldi Pezzoli Museum, Milan

Through the new lighting we designed, the artwork appears brighter and more luminous, resembling a piece of fine goldsmithing. The punched decorations, gilded reliefs, and Raphael's colors now stand out in their full three-dimensionality.

🔎 On the back of the cross, four busts of Franciscan saints are painted within roundels, suggesting that the original destination of the processional cross was a convent of this order.

🌟 Shortlisted for the FX Awards 2024 in the Lighting category 🌟

Lighting design: Marco Miglioli ArchiLight Studio. 
Set design: Luca Rolla e Alberto Bertini. 
Photo: Andrea Ceriani. 
Display case: Bagatti Bronzisti. 
Curatorship: Annalisa Zanni, Federica Manoli and Andrea di Lorenzo. 

#marcomiglioli #archilightstudio #RaphaelSanzio #museopoldipezzoli #museumlighting #fxawards 
#artlighting #lightingdesign #artandlighting #museumdesign
  • ✨ "Processional Cross with Franciscan Saints" by Raphael; in the background, reflected in the glass, the "Adoration of the Child" by Fra Bartolomeo della Porta.
New room setup and lighting design. Poldi Pezzoli Museum, Milan

As through our new lighting the color rendering of the golden surface of the cross differed from that of the frames of the paintings displayed in the room, special filters were used to shape the light spectrum so as to harmonize the warm tones of all the golds.

🌟 Shortlisted lighting project for the FX Awards 2024 🌟

Picture 2 - Explanatory Sketch of Light Reflections with Special Film
Hand drawing by Marco Miglioli ✍️✨

Lighting design: Marco Miglioli ArchiLight Studio. 
Set design: Luca Rolla e Alberto Bertini. 
Photo: Marco Miglioli. 
Display case: Bagatti Bronzisti. 
Curatorship: Annalisa Zanni, Federica Manoli and Andrea di Lorenzo. 

#marcomiglioli #archilightstudio #RaphaelSanzio #museopoldipezzoli #museumlighting #fxawards #artlighting #lightingdesign #artandlighting #museumdesign
  • “Geo Poletti’s Still Life” 
March, 1 2019 – March 24, 2019
Palazzo Reale in Milan

Detail a custom exhibition wall

Lighting design: Marco Miglioli. 
Exhibition design: Luca Rolla e Alberto Bertini with Andrea Tregnago. Photo: Andrea Ceriani

#marcomiglioli #archilightstudio #stilllifepaintings #seventeenthcenturyart #museumlighting #palazzorealemilano
  • “Geo Poletti’s Still Life” 
March, 1 2019 – March 24, 2019
Palazzo Reale in Milan

Objects come to life in a space defined by solids and voids, light and shadow and take on a meaning that goes beyond their practical function.

We wanted to remember their original and “familiar” location. Some unadorned rooms of the “Palazzo Reale” were therefore chosen for their arrangement, in which the lighting of the paintings gives maximum prominence to the works, allowing to half see the rooms, although very beautiful, just from a glimpse.

Lighting design: Marco Miglioli. 
Exhibition design: Luca Rolla e Alberto Bertini with Andrea Tregnago. Photo: Andrea Ceriani

#marcomiglioli #archilightstudio #stilllifepaintings #seventeenthcenturyart #museumlighting #palazzorealemilano
  • “Geo Poletti’s Still Life” 
March, 1 2019 – March 24, 2019
Palazzo Reale in Milan

“Room 108”. Here, as in other rooms, art works and panels are more illuminated than an architecture that remains in dim light

The exhibition highlights the works as protagonists of their message, without the viewer being distracted by the presence of furnishings and decorations.

Lighting design: Marco Miglioli. 
Exhibition design: Luca Rolla e Alberto Bertini with Andrea Tregnago. Photo: Andrea Ceriani

#marcomiglioli #archilightstudio #stilllifepaintings #seventeenthcenturyart #museumlighting #palazzorealemilano