Light, in a dialectical relationship with shadow, is a founding element of architectural space.

The projects take shape from the study of the context and of a lighting that fits into the environment to make it suggestive, considering that light lives in the moment, constantly changing.

Light therefore makes architecture, in itself immobile, continually changing.

Lighting, starting from natural to electronic light, is an element that affects our psyche by arousing sensations, emotions and feelings.

It is important that the projects are based on solid technical knowledge founded on the most innovative technologies applicable to artificial lighting, as well as on the use of natural light. This knowledge is also the tool for developing projects that take care of the physicality and needs of the person: appropriate lighting must in fact adapt to the human eye and compensate for any visual dysfunctions.

Finally, the project must consider economic and environmental sustainability.


Starting from the interests and fields of application of the Studio’s projects – architecture, art and entertainment – luminous environments are proposed that range from the urban open-air areas – urban centers and green areas lighting -, to cultural heritage – museums, monuments and historic buildings lighting – and domestic environments.
Most of the projects in which the Studio has been involved concern the lighting of exhibition spaces – exhibitions, museums, events -, historic buildings and domestic environments.

Since research and laboratory are a substantial part of the work, in some cases, if the project requires it, custom-made lighting fixtures are designed.
The firm also provides specific assessments and consultancy in the lighting engineering field.


Each lighting project is the result of a cooperation between architects, landscape architects, urban planners and system engineers who, by sharing their professional skills, contribute to the creation of the architectural or artistic project in its entirety.

The aim of the “lighting architect” is to interpret the client’s desires by creating immersive luminous environments full of suggestions. The main person to whom the Studio refers is therefore the client: be it an architect, a public administration, an institutional body, a museum or a private client.



IDEA (find out more)

This stage is aimed at tracing the project guidelines:

  • Study and analysis of the area aim of intervention.
  • Definition of environments and luminous atmospheres connected to the client’s wishes.
  • Showing the idea through images, hand drawings, mood boards.
  • Evaluation of the supply of the natural light related to the artificial one.
  • Environmental impact.
  • Analysis of regulations.
  • Rough valuation of the costs and values of the work.
  • Ease of maintenance and available technologies.

The idea is mediated by technique:

  • Lighting engineering checks, choice of the characteristics of the light, sources and devices.
  • Detailed estimate of the costs of the intervention.
  • Measures to reduce light pollution (laboratory studies and field measurements) and to safeguard natural environment.
  • Photobiological safety and “Human Centric Light”: attention to the biological and emotional impact of lighting on individual.
  • Potential field tests, models and construction of prototypes even in one-to-one scale.
  • Representation of the project through technical drawings, installation sketches, reports.
REALISATION (find out more)

Assistance is provided for the implementation and construction of the project:

  • Technical checks of the whole project essential for construction and implementation.
  • Detailed calculations of artificial (general and emergency) and natural lighting values.
  • Executive project of details and custom-made devices.
  • Calculation and economic analysis of the entire system.
  • Light scenes definition and choice of the lighting system control typology.
  • Put in writing of technical drawings for installation and construction purposes, technical reports, analyses.

The last stage consists in installing the lighting system:

  • Assistance to the workmen and supervision in the creation of the project.
  • Support during the supply of materials and relationships with manufacturing companies.
  • Monitoring of the production and changes of any devices or accessories.
  • Mounting and installation assistance: focusing, aiming, programming.
  • Light scenes setting.
  • Submission of all documents and manuals necessary for a correct use of the system.
  • ✨ @poldipezzoli Museum 
“Visconti Venosta” Room – “Raphael Cross” Room. 
Detail of the room featuring the panel "Madonna with Child and Saint John the Baptist" by Pinturicchio, with Christ the Redeemer and the panel "Madonna with Child and Saints" by Zanobi Strozzi in the background.

💡 Museum lighting requires precise calibration of light intensities throughout the rooms. The lighting of the Raphael Cross led to a re-arrangement and fine-tuning of the entire exhibition hall and the works of art.

🌟 Shortlisted for the FX Awards 2024 in the Lighting category 🌟 @fxdesignmag 

Lighting design: @miglioli.m (Marco Miglioli ArchiLight Studio). 
Set design: @rolla.luca e @alberto.bertini.76. 
Photo: Andrea Ceriani. 
Display case: @bagatti_bronzisti. 
Curatorship: Annalisa Zanni, @federica.manoli and Andrea di Lorenzo. 

#marcomiglioli #archilightstudio #RaphaelSanzio #museopoldipezzoli #museumlighting #fxawards #artlighting #lightingdesign #artandlighting #museumdesign
  • ✨Processional Cross with Franciscan Saints. Raphael. Tempera on panel (detail). 
c. 1500-1502
@poldipezzoli Museum, Milan

Through the new lighting we designed, the artwork appears brighter and more luminous, resembling a piece of fine goldsmithing. The punched decorations, gilded reliefs, and Raphael's colors now stand out in their full three-dimensionality.

🔎 On the back of the cross, four busts of Franciscan saints are painted within roundels, suggesting that the original destination of the processional cross was a convent of this order.

🌟 Shortlisted for the FX Awards 2024 in the Lighting category 🌟 @fxdesignmag 

Lighting design: @miglioli.m (Marco Miglioli ArchiLight Studio). 
Set design: @rolla.luca e @alberto.bertini.76. 
Photo: Andrea Ceriani. 
Display case: @bagatti_bronzisti.
Curatorship: Annalisa Zanni, @federica.manoli and Andrea di Lorenzo. 

#marcomiglioli #archilightstudio #RaphaelSanzio #museopoldipezzoli #museumlighting #fxawards #artlighting #lightingdesign #artandlighting #museumdesign
  • ✨@poldipezzoli Museum, Milan. 
“Visconti Venosta” Room - “The Raphael Cross” Room, featuring in the foreground the "Processional Cross with Franciscan Saints" by Raphael Sanzio.

The Cross, an artwork between painting and sculpture, was placed within an architecture which, through a succession of spaces, gives a sense of depth, recalling the sequences of rooms in noble Renaissance palaces. The paintings, displayed in these rooms, not only underline the depth but are enhanced by a common golden background.

🌟 Shortlisted for the FX Awards 2024 @fxdesignmag in the Lighting category 🌟

Lighting design: @miglioli.m (Marco Miglioli ArchiLight Studio).
Set design: @rolla.luca e @alberto.bertini.76 
Photo: Andrea Ceriani. 
Display case: @bagatti_bronzisti
Curatorship: Annalisa Zanni, @federica.manoli and Andrea di Lorenzo. 

#marcomiglioli #archilightstudio #RaphaelSanzio #museopoldipezzoli #museumlighting #fxawards #artlighting #lightingdesign #artandlighting #museumdesign
  • ✨Roundels of the Virgin Mary and Saint Peter. Raphael. 
c. 1500-02. Pen and brown ink over stylus underdrawing. Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin

🖋️ This autograph drawing featuring the half-length figures of the Virgin and Saint Peter highlights how Raphael often created processional crosses during his adolescence. Moreover, the Berlin sheet could be a preparatory sketch for the processional cross housed at the Poldi Pezzoli Museum.
🎨 Through the style and quality of the brushstrokes, the attribution to Raphael Sanzio has been proposed.

#marcomiglioli #archilightstudio #Raphael #RoundelsoftheVirginMary #art #Kupferstichkabinett #artisticprocess #drawing #museumart #museopoldipezzoli
  • ✨ Processional Cross with Franciscan Saints. Raphael. Tempera on panel (detail). 
c. 1500-1502
Poldi Pezzoli Museum, Milan

Through the new lighting we designed, the artwork appears brighter and more luminous, resembling a piece of fine goldsmithing. The punched decorations, gilded reliefs, and Raphael's colors now stand out in their full three-dimensionality.

🔎 On the back of the cross, four busts of Franciscan saints are painted within roundels, suggesting that the original destination of the processional cross was a convent of this order.

🌟 Shortlisted for the FX Awards 2024 in the Lighting category 🌟

Lighting design: Marco Miglioli ArchiLight Studio. 
Set design: Luca Rolla e Alberto Bertini. 
Photo: Andrea Ceriani. 
Display case: Bagatti Bronzisti. 
Curatorship: Annalisa Zanni, Federica Manoli and Andrea di Lorenzo. 

#marcomiglioli #archilightstudio #RaphaelSanzio #museopoldipezzoli #museumlighting #fxawards 
#artlighting #lightingdesign #artandlighting #museumdesign
  • ✨ "Processional Cross with Franciscan Saints" by Raphael; in the background, reflected in the glass, the "Adoration of the Child" by Fra Bartolomeo della Porta.
New room setup and lighting design. Poldi Pezzoli Museum, Milan

As through our new lighting the color rendering of the golden surface of the cross differed from that of the frames of the paintings displayed in the room, special filters were used to shape the light spectrum so as to harmonize the warm tones of all the golds.

🌟 Shortlisted lighting project for the FX Awards 2024 🌟

Picture 2 - Explanatory Sketch of Light Reflections with Special Film
Hand drawing by Marco Miglioli ✍️✨

Lighting design: Marco Miglioli ArchiLight Studio. 
Set design: Luca Rolla e Alberto Bertini. 
Photo: Marco Miglioli. 
Display case: Bagatti Bronzisti. 
Curatorship: Annalisa Zanni, Federica Manoli and Andrea di Lorenzo. 

#marcomiglioli #archilightstudio #RaphaelSanzio #museopoldipezzoli #museumlighting #fxawards #artlighting #lightingdesign #artandlighting #museumdesign
  • “Geo Poletti’s Still Life” 
March, 1 2019 – March 24, 2019
Palazzo Reale in Milan

Detail a custom exhibition wall

Lighting design: Marco Miglioli. 
Exhibition design: Luca Rolla e Alberto Bertini with Andrea Tregnago. Photo: Andrea Ceriani

#marcomiglioli #archilightstudio #stilllifepaintings #seventeenthcenturyart #museumlighting #palazzorealemilano
  • “Geo Poletti’s Still Life” 
March, 1 2019 – March 24, 2019
Palazzo Reale in Milan

Objects come to life in a space defined by solids and voids, light and shadow and take on a meaning that goes beyond their practical function.

We wanted to remember their original and “familiar” location. Some unadorned rooms of the “Palazzo Reale” were therefore chosen for their arrangement, in which the lighting of the paintings gives maximum prominence to the works, allowing to half see the rooms, although very beautiful, just from a glimpse.

Lighting design: Marco Miglioli. 
Exhibition design: Luca Rolla e Alberto Bertini with Andrea Tregnago. Photo: Andrea Ceriani

#marcomiglioli #archilightstudio #stilllifepaintings #seventeenthcenturyart #museumlighting #palazzorealemilano
  • “Geo Poletti’s Still Life” 
March, 1 2019 – March 24, 2019
Palazzo Reale in Milan

“Room 108”. Here, as in other rooms, art works and panels are more illuminated than an architecture that remains in dim light

The exhibition highlights the works as protagonists of their message, without the viewer being distracted by the presence of furnishings and decorations.

Lighting design: Marco Miglioli. 
Exhibition design: Luca Rolla e Alberto Bertini with Andrea Tregnago. Photo: Andrea Ceriani

#marcomiglioli #archilightstudio #stilllifepaintings #seventeenthcenturyart #museumlighting #palazzorealemilano